Mexican Red Headed Bird: A Brilliant Avian Wonder

Mexican Red Headed Bird: A Brilliant Avian Wonder

Mexican Red Headed Bird is also known as the Red-Crowned Amazon, which is a species of parrot from the northeastern Mexico. The species possesses beautiful plumage and an amiable nature so that birding enthusiasts and conservationists always have a liking for it. Let’s dig into some wonderful features, habitat, and conservation status of this marvelous…

Can Turkeys Eat Bread?

Can Turkeys Eat Bread?

Turkeys are amazing birds, which can be characterized by their physical features and social habits. Wild turkeys eat all sorts of food, including insects, seeds, berries, and grasses. Domesticated turkeys mainly rely on the controlled diet of the farmer or pet owner. The most common question is whether bread can be added to the diet…

crocodile and plover bird relationship articles for students

crocodile and plover bird relationship articles for students

​One of the most interesting mutualisms is the relationship between a crocodile and plover birds. Such an exceptional relationship is the ultimate example of how two totally different species can coexist with one another in the interest of both for better survival and prosperity. A Good Example of Mutualism It is one of the most…

Are Kangaroos Smart?

Are Kangaroos Smart?

One of the least discussed topics in this realm is that related to the intelligence of the highly loved kangaroos an iconic animal found in Australia and widely appreciated for its quirky form and its strength in jumping. Although their ranking on the cognitive scale of the animal kingdom is below, respectively, that of primates…

Can Ducks Eat Cantaloupe?

Can Ducks Eat Cantaloupe?

Although ducks are curiously Ducks Eat Cantaloupe animals thriving on a wide variety of different foods, one wonders as any duck owner or wild duck feeder would be whether cantaloupe would safely bring nutritious supplements to the diet of ducks. It looks into the safety of giving cantaloupe to ducks, benefits, and precautions you must…